The Happiest Baby Comfort Method

The Happiest Baby comfort method was developed by an American pediatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp. Through his method of stopping inconsolable babies or cry babies crying within seconds to a few minutes.

The Happiest Baby method is a new combination of tailored to the baby, already known, tranquilizers methods . This combination, if done right, activates the baby’s reflex depressants makes them stop crying for a few minutes in seconds. Usually the baby then rapidly and relaxing sleep and the baby sleep longer falls through.

The tranquilizer reflex works with the baby the first four months and is effective for cry babies, babies with colic, crying hours, restlessness, difficulty falling asleep, naps and helps also at reflux. More information:


Treatment KISS syndrome

KISS stands for Kopfgelenk – Induzierte SymmetrieStöringen, or a symmetry disorder in the neck. It means there are disturbances in the balanced development of a child may arise as a result of impairment of the upper nekwervelgewrichtjes and skull bones.

In children, but also in adults indicate blockage of the high cervical area still problems. Moving young babies happens reflexively. As the child gets older, these movements (motor skills) are more complicated. This movement reflexes are largely generated by neck movements. In a healthy baby will develop the left-hand and the right-hand half of the body are evenly (symmetrically).

An oblique position of the upper cervical spine (s) will lead to a situation that the infant often overstretched or twisted lies with a crooked neck. This skew continues over the body down to the pelvis and hip joint. Because of the skewed and stretched attitude (sometimes months) the baby gets a crooked head. The result shows a poor motor development and is often a complex pattern of symptoms which it can not escape.

Vital signs of feeling lack comfort, the baby cries a lot, sleeps badly and drinking is greedy, hasty and uncontrolled. It often returns. It has difficulty and pain with dressing (the arms in the sleeves, wear something over the head). Often there are colic present. Unease dominates the baby’s life. Everything is the baby too much and it is irritable. It scares with “normal” sounds (opening the door, rustling the newspaper). Even the loving care / touch can evoke strong reactions in the form of covers. In many children, this unease remains of their lives determine and plays a major role in the further development.

In babies, there is often talk of colic, flatulence, constipation and reflux (return). The proper functioning of the abdominal organs is dependent on a good agility and good management by the nerves from the spine and the skull. By light treatment techniques to the diaphragm, the suspensions of the intestines in the abdominal cavity and the diaphragm, the base of the skull, the spine, the cause of the problem is dealt with and are lifted to the irritations.

Under desku ndigen there is much disagreement or KISS now exists or not, whether treatment is or is not desirable, and whether treatment is or is not the desired result.

Parents often have little doubt that their child has a clear asymmetry problem, thereby drinking eg difficulty of developing a preferred position. Some KISS children cry a lot, others no more than usual. Whether you, as parents, want to examine your baby and treat your choice. Make at least a choice of a registered chiropractor who specializes in treating infants. More information on KISS, please visit the site .

Recently, a number of doctors (Brand et al 2005) did a literature review and found no scientific evidence on the effects of manual therapy and osteopathic treatment of the KISS syndrome. This article was followed by a discussion that will continue for the time being.